Sunday, January 17, 2010

Do's & Don'ts for Sighters & Searchers

Spot is trying to find his way home, but like many lost dogs, he doesn't get that people can help him if he'll stop and ask for help. So he's retreating from people. For those seeing him, it's important to behave in ways that won't scare him off. Here are some Do's and Don'ts to keep in mind in case you are the next person to encounter Spot:

Do not
- Make eye contact
- Call his name or speak directly to him
- Make any quick movements, especially in his direction
- Don't pat the ground for him to come, or make smooching sounds

+ Take a picture of him to help us verify that it’s Spot that you see
+ Crouch or sit low to the ground, or even lay down
+ Turn around and put your back to him and toss treats over your shoulder to him
+ Call Marianne immediately

Thank you in advance for your help in searching for Spot and spreading the word about him and his predicament! Please leave a comment if you have other tips for sighters and searchers.

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